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Let's Pray For Ethiopia!

On Feb. 25th, a brief prayer session was held here at Rehoboth Ethiopian Church -Tulsa, concerning the current political development in Ethiopia. As we all know, the nation is being ravaged by political strife and disunity therefore, It is imperative that we all prayer for our country of birth, Ethiopia.

Even though we are rest assured that God is on the move and Ethiopia is on the right track, per the promises God has given through his servants, it still is important that we continue to pray as a church and be part of the positive change so that we can be partakers of the blessing that's about to take place in Ethiopia. We anticipate that Ethiopia could face temporary setbacks as a byproduct of the ensuing unrest but the bigger picture remains intact as it marches along the right track that God has designed. That being said, there is no power under the sun that can stop what our God has in store for our nation; for He remains the overriding authority over Ethiopia's destiney and indeed, the only entity who can carry it through all these challenges. Therefore, with this hope in mind, let's continue to intercede on behalf of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is at a critical time and we encourage Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia to join us in prayer over the following terms:

• Repentance for all the sins of our forefathers • That the plans and promises of God to be fulfilled • God to give the country a leader and form of government that will usher in genuine peace, stability, freedom, equality, and prosperity for all the people of Ethiopia. • God to thwart the plans of the enemy and evil people that are being devised to abort the promises God has given the nation. • God to visit Ethiopia with Spiritual revival and use her people to usher in the end time harvest. Thank you for your prayer.

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