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Our victorious first year anniversary

It is to be recalled that Rehoboth Ethiopian Evangelical Church, Tulsa - has been promoting its first year anniversary conference that was held on July first, second and third for quiet some time in various social media outlets. Not only was the conference culminated with great success with guest speaker Pastor Melaku Teketel, Gospel singers Kefa Mideksa and Kaleab Tsegaye respectively, it was a conference unlike any other whereby the presence of the Lord was highly noticeable.

The sheer combination of the aforementioned trio was one of rarity and to those of us who had the opportunity to partake in such a divine event was even more uplifting privilege one can only wish it continued forever. Just as we expected, the presence of the Holy Spirit above all, has given the revival a uniquely sensational charisma than any other event and as a result, everyone was fired up amidst captivating and exuberant atmosphere of worship and reverence all for the glory of the King of Kings our Lord Jesus Christ.

Not only has this particular event molded the unity between fellow members all the more solid, as a church, it also has sealed the church’s fate in the sense that it belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ unequivocally. Moreover, what made this conference unique and powerful was that for the first time, our church is now overseen by a dedicated team of five elders who have been ordained according to what the scripture mandates and evident to that, they have been tirelessly laboring to navigate the church through tough times and consequently, we as a church, have now arrived at a very important milestone glory to God.

Pastor Melaku’s theme was “praise” from the book of Zephaniah 3:20 “At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes," says the LORD.” and he went on to say that not only are we to praise God irrespective of unfavorable circumstances, we must also submit ourselves as “praise” to the one who is praise worthy. In other words, praising God must be a lifestyle instead of an event.

In conclusion, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all of you men and women of God who contributed with your time material, and skill to make this important event possible. Let’s continue to work hand in glove as good stewards for the kingdom of God.

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